Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008


We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

T.S. Eliot

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just thinking ...

I'm sitting here at my table just looking at all the stuff I have to play with. Ideas flowing freely in my mind but not having the ability to bring them to life.

The other day I just sat here and played with some Sculpey and some beads, it felt good to do something but at the same time I became frustrated because I didn't really make anything. I know its a start, I'm sitting here and I did do something even if there was no end result.

That brings me to a question ... does there have to be an end result? Can one just create and play for the joy of just doing it?

I think we get so caught up in the fact that everything we do in life is for a reason and there must be something to show for it. Why can't we all take a valuable life lesson from the children and just play, have fun and enjoy - be free to just be?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wondering ...

Is there anybody still out there or is it time to close this chapter in my life and hit the big delete button?

It's is so very frustrating for me to want to do things, I have so many ideas but nothing ever seems to materialize. I just don't know what it is, hopeless I guess?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Another Piece of the Puzzle

As I struggle with my lose of interest in the creative world I have discovered a few things and I wanted to share with you, my latest piece of the puzzle. I want to start by saying I've always been environmentally aware and I've always had an issue with chemicals. The way our world has become over processed in more ways then one seems to know is my biggest concern.

I was semi-green before green was the "in" thing. I knew the risks and dangers but felt there was little I could do to "save the world" or even protect myself. After having children I became more aware and more determined to make this world a better and safer place for my children and future generations.

Do you know how toxic to us and the environment our art supplies are? I think that's one reason why I've never made a major purchase, just picking up a few things to get by here and there. Subconsciously I knew I didn't want to be working with this stuff but still I had the desire to create and that is what I did.

This past year I've really become more active and more concerned and now believe that I can make a difference and that I can help others to make a better choice for ourselves and for mother earth.

I've honestly had the desire to create recycled art for sometime now and have collected many things in my journey that I can not bring myself to throw away. So what am I saying here? What is this piece of the puzzle?

Maybe I'm holding myself back because I know I don't want to harm myself, my family or the environment with my art?

Today I came across this site: Crafting a Green World and it hit me, this was my answer, or at least a big piece of the puzzle. Now I know I'm not alone, I know there are alternatives and I can create safe art, yes!

Does this mean I'm throwing everything I have away, all my suplies? No because it would just end up in the landfill where it will continue to harm our environment. I will use the supplies that I have but from this point forward I will not buy any more toxic art supplies. And that is my gift to myself, to my family and to our world.

What a sense of relief to know I do have a choice, I do have options and I *can* make a difference!


On a side note, I have not started the Soul Journal yet as I have not been able to locate a journal to use. However I do have an unused pad of watercolor paper that I think I can do something with. After all the journal isn't for you all, its for my own personal growth, so if its not a traditional journal that's fine by me. I hope to get started this weekend.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Party's Over

The party's over
It's time to call it a day ...

Yup that's right this party is over. What party you ask? Well my great big pity party, my I'm not good enough party, my ... well you get the picture party. Its a known fact I've been down in the dumps, stressed out on life and I lost my desire to do anything creative when I know it was the one thing that helped me to deal with stuff. It was something I did for me!

After alot of thought and the suggestion of a friend I've decided to do a Soul Journal because it will not only help me explore my creative side it will also help me explore my true feelings and hopefully I can work things out and move forward both personally and artistically.

See that's already a start I used a word that contained art, something that might actually imply that what I'm trying to do is actually art. I've felt safe calling what I do creative up until now but part of the journey is to move forward and move beyond my own limitations.

So here I am picking myself up, dusting myself off, making myself all pretty again and ready to start anew.

I will be following Sarah Whitmire's Soul Journal prompts which actually took place earlier this year back in July.

I also recalled hearing about this on some of the yahoo groups and remembered someone had started a group just for discussing the Soul Journal so I joined that as well.

Now I have to get myself a book and gather some supplies but I am going to do this, I need to do this, I'm doing this for me and its okay to do something for me!

Thanks for the inspiration M : )

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Doubter

I was just reading an old issue of Artist's Sketchbook from June 2002 and there is an article about your Creative Personality. Yup you guessed it I found mine, nailed it on the head, couldn't have put it any better myself. Now how to I overcome this and move forward?

The Doubter
Motto: "Me? Creative? HA!"

The Doubter would love to be creative, but she's scared of looking stupid. Depending on her nature, she'll take one or two approaches to art. Impatient types might try something new, but if it doesn't seem to be going the way they hoped, they give up on it. More tentative personalities don't even get that far. Convinced of their lack of artistic ability, they wait ...and wait ... for inspiration to strike and just the right project to come along. Harrumphs and deep sighs are the hallmarks of Doubters.

So there you have that's me as far as my creative ability goes, I'm a Doubter. Everyone else in my family has that creative gene but for some strange reason I wasn't there the day they were being given out. I must have lost my invitation or maybe I just wasn't invited.

The article goes on to suggest some "creativity boosters" and one of them happens to be getting a kit like a paint by numbers or something along the lines I might buy for my own kids. Its supposed to take the pressure off. What?

If I can't handle a paint by numbers and it looks like something my 5 year old would do then that's even worse and I would really feel stupid then. That's the reason why I pursued Altered Arts because for me there seemed to be no rules to follow and I could take something and make it into something else and call it art.

But that's where the Doubter in me comes out to play again and I need to stop comparing myself to others and just have fun with it and to not worry about what others think. Yeah, easier said then done, huh?

Tune in next week for my next excuse as to why I just don't haven't been doing anything creative...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Birthday Goodies!

As some of you know I recently celebrated my 39th - yes that's right 39th birthday. I'm very blessed to have some wonderful friends who made me feel extra special. I wanted to share with you one of my gifts as I know you will love it as much as I do.

Michelle over at 3rd Eye Muse (who I'm honored to know in real life even thought we don't see each other very often) makes these super cool origami cranes. I've received a few over the years, usually attached to her awesome Lemon Poppyseed Cake at Christmas. I believe she even tried showing us how to make then at the park one day. I'm all thumbs and just couldn't fold the paper like that.

Her latest creation involved making these cranes even smaller and the detail is amazing, I don't know how she does it. For my Birthday I was given a pair of earrings made from these paper cranes.

You can see a picture and read more about theme at Michelle's blog:

Thanks for making me feel extra special on my Birthday, I'm proud to wear these super cool crane earrings!


Friday, September 26, 2008


If anybody out there is still following my blog I just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive and still have internet access for the time being.

Hoping and praying for a miracle and that things will get better for my family and all the others out there that are suffering.

Since my last post I've celebrated a birthday which wasn't much of a celebration but I am blessed to have some wonderful friends who made me feel extra special. I'll share some of that with you soon.

My clothing biz is still for sale and I'm open to offers if anyone knows anyone who may be looking to get started working from home. I am also willing to sell just the inventory if anyone out there is already established and just needs to add to what they have.

I miss having time to be creative and I miss visiting with my artsy friends and hope to see you all soon!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Brillante Weblog Premio Award

Image Hosted by

Vicki over at Simply Vicki surprised me with this blog award today. Thanks Vicki : )

Here are the instructions for the following Brillante Weblog Premio award recipients:

1. Place the logo on your blog.
2. Link to the person who awarded you.
3. You can nominate up to 5 blogs.
4. You can then add their links to your blog
5. Leave a message in the comment section to each nominee on their blog

I'm going to change this up a bit by placing this over on my All Things Natural Blog since I've already done a few artsy awards in the past. Hope that's okay?

So pop on over to All Things Natural to see my nominations - see you there ...

: )

I just had to blog and let you all know that a dear friend of mine has been published and for a great cause too! Michelle of 3rd Eye Muse writes . . .

You might and might not know, but I participated in the creation of an Art Doll to benefit the Susan G Komen for the cure Foundation. The project was spearheaded by a woman named Monica Magness. She made a call to artists requesting that people create a 2 inch square to be used on the art doll – ultimately there were a total of 182 artists that responded and contributed to the creation of not only the doll (aptly named Love Squared), but other artsy items for a drawing. The doll has made a trip to Art Doll Quarterly where it was photographed and featured in their Autumn 2008 issue (pages 50 – 53) and has since made her way back to Monica’s home. The drawing is already in progress, but if you are interested in getting your name into the drawing (will be entered two times for every $10.00 donation) it will remain open until October 15, 2008.

For details, please visit: - the web page includes ways to make donations, a more detailed story of how the project happened, links to all the squares submitted and so much more!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Mini Canvas

I was feeling creative this morning and here is what I made. It is a mini canvas from Blick, it measures 2.5 x 3.5 which is the same size as an ATC so I felt comfortable working in this size.

My inspiration came from Sherrill Kahn's book titled Creative Embellishments. You can read more about the book here.

I painted the base with Metallic Antique Copper and while it was still wet I used a stamp to pull some of the paint back off creating the faint script in the background. Then I used Lumiere paint in Halo Blue-Gold to highlight and accent.

Then I added a wrapped chenille pipe cleaner and a stamped fun foam embellishment I made earlier from the Creative Embellishments book.

Working on canvas was new to me and definitely something I will do again. I have 4 more mini canvases and a few larger 11x14 ones along with some canvas panels to play with.

Click photos to enlarge for detail.

Your Great Quotation of the Day

It is always with excitement that I wake up in the morning wondering what my intuition will toss up to me, like gifts from the sea. I work with it and rely on it. It's my partner.

Jonsa Salk

Friday, September 5, 2008


Why do some people have to be so mean? Why are some people so cold? Why do others feel the need to hurt people? Why does life have to be so hard?

Yeah I guess this is a "why me" post. Why bother?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

After Fay

We went down to the beach Sunday night. The gulf was all churned up and very choppy, not the crystal clear water we are used to seeing. There was a good deal of seaweed from the storm on shore as well. But in the seaweed was lots of treasures to be found including sea sponges and sea urchins. There appeared to be some beach erosion as well and the really weird part was walking down the beach, it was very spongie (is that a word) because the storm had caused seaweed to wash up and then sand was washed up on top of it along with more seaweed. It looked like you were walking on the sand but there was seaweed under it - what a weird feeling for sure.

We were lucky to have dodged Fay and continue to keep an eye on Gustav which is expected to become a CAT 3 hurricane once it enters the gulf. The current track does not bring it to Florida but we all know how quickly things can change.

: )

Monday, August 25, 2008

Pocket ATC's

I know its been awhile since I've done anything creative but I'm really trying to get back in the swing of things with all of life's little stresses lately it hasn't been easy. Since I had suggested the "pockets" theme for Altered_stArt's ATC Mingle I felt the need to get one entered into the mingle.

I was so pleased with the first one (despite not having what I wanted to make my pocket) and happy I had done something creative I actually managed to make another.

So here are my two Pocket ATC's for this weeks mingle : )

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Update on Fay

Fay made landfall early this morning near Marco Island which is a few hours south of us so we are very thankful to have dodged yet another one!

Tropical Storm Fay did not become a hurricane as predicted but there is still a chance that can happen as she makes her way across the state and emerges into the Atlantic Ocean. Some models show Fay sitting off the coast of northern Florida and strengthening before she heads back across Florida again. This is due to a system to the north.

Fay has been moving through Florida for about 10 hours now and has shown no sign of weakening with winds still at 65mph.

Did we get rain and wind? Nope not much at all, a little breezy with a few good gusts and a few drops of rain earlier today that barely wet the driveway. Been watching the radar all morning and its right there all that rain just a few miles away but here on the coast we are dry.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Here she comes!

Tropical Storm Fay is on her way to the gulf coast of Florida but where she lands is still a mystery. I've been watching her since Friday night and there's no doubt we'll be getting wet here in my little piece of paradise.

The track or the "cone of uncertainty" as they call it has remained pretty consistent these past 36 hours. Sure its moved left to right and north to south a bit but not much so we are getting prepared and making plans. Its still early, there are factors that will affect where Fay goes so we aren't taking any action at this point but yes like any boyscout will tell you "be prepared" and we are for the most part.

As of 8am on Sunday (8/17) Fay was located just south of Cuba at 20.0 N 78.0 W with winds at 50mph and guts up to 65mph and moving WNW at 12mph.

This indicates that Fay has slowed a bit since yesterday where she was moving at 14mph and was moving West. The WNW motion shows she is starting to turn but slowly.

Tropical Storm Fay is expected to become a hurricane once it hits the very warm waters in the Gulf of Mexico.

For updated information on Tropical Storm Fay please watch you local news and check the Nation Hurricane Center's up to date reports at NOAA online. The Weather Channel is also a good source of info as they have reporters in different areas of Florida including the Keys which will be affected first and give us an indication of what to expect.

To all my Florida friends - be safe!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lets play a game!

Its called: Where's my Muse?

Kinda like an I Spy game or those old Where's Waldo games, you remember those don't you?

I've gotten alot of people asking how come I haven't been doing art. And to be honest life just has me feeling down in the dumps these days and uninspiring. I blame it on a combination of things really but for the sake of this post lets just blame it on my DH. Why not we tend to blame others when things aren't going our way, right?

Awhile back my DH complained he didn't have a place in the house to work on things. When in all due respect he has a 2.5 car garage that I can't park a car in or even walk in for that matter. But still that's not good enough, its to hot out there he complained. Fine I can agree with that after all this is Florida.

So long story short, he ended up taking over my space. Now granted it wasn't over night but it did happen rather quickly. At first I was able to work around him, just going back there to get my "stuff" and creating in the kitchen instead. But as time went on his stuff just seemed to multiply until I finally lost my muse in the mess.

So if anyone can find her please post and let me know where she is. I know she's hiding in there somewhere!

Before Pictures of my space taken in December 2007 shortly after I set it all up, A place just for me. I deserve it don't i?

The AFTER pictures taken last week. Can you find my muse?

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

House Shaped ATC Swap

Here are my houses for the swap on Altered_stArt. Of course these are not what I had in mind but when it came time to actually work on them I ended up going in a completely different direction. Gotta love that creative process.

The Long Road Home

Thanks Gaye for hosting this one. Can't wait to see which ones I get back!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Top 101 Artist's Blogs

click me!

I was making the rounds this morning when I found this great list of artist's blogs on laketrees artist blog. Wow, I can see I won't be getting anything productive done today.

I'm off to go surfing . . .

Saturday, June 28, 2008

See what I've been working on?

I know my blog is lacking in art posts lately so I figured I better share with you what I have been doing. I'm working on a website, it is far from done but I have the main format set up for now and the header image done, well at least until I feel the need to redo it. Once I get this done I can advertise locally, print up some flyers and kick this into high gear.

So what do you think? I would love some input as its been awhile since I've worked on a website or done any design work, I'm a tad bit rusty.

I promise to post some art soon : )

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Saucy's Wedding Party

After visiting a friend's blog - 3rd Eye Muse - I learned of this fun wedding party at saucy's. And seeing as I just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary on the 25th I figured it would be fun to post some pics for the party.

DH and I had a small wedding of about 50, we were married on Siesta Key at the Summerhouse. Our metaphysical guru as some liked to call him, performed the ceremony and wrote our vows which were called Angel Affirmations. AB wasn't legal to do the ceremony so we paid for him to become ordained on the internet. We even named our first born after him, which was a cat of course!

So here are some scanned prints, sorry no digitals so they are not the best quality. Guess I should add that to my list of things to do. Can they take negs and make them digital? I would hate to have to scan in hundreds of photos and then "fix" them on top of it. Anyway here they are unedited from 13 years ago - enjoy.

Oh and the top photo on this post was taken at Busch Gardens the day after the wedding. We spent our wedding night on Siesta Key then headed to Tampa for a few days. We both needed to get back to work. We took our real honeymoon in July where we spent 10 days camping in the Keys, it was beautiful.

The Wedding CakeOur Guru - AB

Monday, June 23, 2008

Technique Tuesday: Fun Foam ATC

I recently wrote a new Technique Tuesday for Altered_stArt, I really enjoy doing these for the group. This one uses Fun Foam which is easily available, you can even get it at most dollar stores now so you can save yourself a trip to the craft store. That's where I got these great fun foam letters that were already sticky so no glue was needed. You can cut your own shapes from the sheets of fun foam as well.

My original tutorial is posted to the group as a PDF file so I decided to do a photo sideshow for my blog which is posted below. If you click on a picture it will take you to the album where you can see the comments on how I did this technique. Enjoy!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Stamped Image Swap

Last month I hosted a stamped image swap on Altered_stArt and look at all these goodies I have to play with now.

Everyone stamped 10 sets of 4 different images so everyone got 4 from each player. Then some even stamped extras so I've got over 40 images to work with - yay!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Art Partner Challenge

I recently took part in May's Art Partner challenge on The Latest Trends in Mixed Media Arts yahoo group and this is my finished card.

The rules are pretty simple,
Inka will send you one stamp, one card and one embellishment. You get to choose the background and the technique. Winner receives a $10 gift certificate, plus all 10 people get to keep the stamp Inka sends.

This was a lot of fun for me and not something I normally do, stamping and card making so I'm glad I had the chance to play. The angel stamp is great and I know I'll be using her again. I see a shaker card with micro beads coming soon!

The background is three colors of ink that were applied DTP then drybrushed with gesso and added a hint of pearlizing medium across the card. I added pink lace, paper flowers and stamped the text.

I also added a pearl to the middle flower which was the embellishment that was sent with the stamp.

Of course it always looks better in person : )

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Altered Book Worshop

This past month (April) we worked on an Altered Book Workshop at The Artist Circle. I've been following along best I can but with my eczema outbreak my hands are so sore I haven't been able to do much.

I did manage to get the pages sanded, gessoed and painted for step one. Then I experimented with different papers to cover the pages as the base. I used some printed tissue paper. My wrinkles for texture were a bit to wrinkly for me so I wrinkled less on the next group of pages.

I used some sewing pattern tissue - my favorite, and that gave the pages a nice aged look. I'm now out of dress pattern tissue so I'll have to hit the thrift store for more, I just love the stuff.

And finally I used some blank pages from my son's writing tablet. I didn't have any old book pages that would fit my board book so I figured the lightness of the tablet paper would give it the same look minus the text, which I can stamp on if need be. I was disappointed that the base color did not show through as I had hoped.

I'm not happy with the way this book is going but I know its all an experiment and will continue to work in it. I may or may not go with a theme as suggested, maybe I'll just keeping trying new things and then work on another book once I find what works for me. I also think I'm better off with a smaller board book as this one is bigger then those chunky square ones.

In the end its all a learning experience and I always find a new technique along the way that I can use in other creations. The next step is to use some cat's eye fluid chalk but I don't have any so I'll figure something out or maybe splurge on myself for Mother's Day and pick some up this week.

Monday, April 28, 2008

And the winner is . . .

TickledPink said...

Fantastic work, as usual! I would feel privileged to own some of your artwork. Consider me "entered". :-)

Thanks to all of you who took the time to stop by and leave a comment. Keep your eyes open for another blog giveaway in the future, this was alot of fun!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Found Treasures

Look at the goodies I found while walking on the beach the other night!

Instead of my normal walk along the water I decided to walk the top side of the beach, along the dunes to see what inspiring things I could find and this is what caught my eye.

I already have some creative ideas for these and can't wait to see how it all turns out : )

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I won the Spring Lottery

I recently won the Spring Lottery on Altered_stArt so I need to find a new home for my entry. Since I won I don't have anyone to send it off to so I've decided to do my first blog giveaway.

I will use a program I have called The Hat to randomly pick a name from the comments posted below. Drawing will be held on Sunday April 27, 2008

The prize is this cute button doll I made after taking part in a Button Fairy Swap. I had so much fun making them I wanted to use the same idea for my entry in the Spring Lottery. Thanks to all the wonderful people I have met on my art groups and those I have crossed paths with while blog surfing. You have all been so encouraging and a wonderful inspiration now its my turn to offer you all something!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Free Earring Giveaway

Starting a blog was one of the best things I ever did. Not only have I met some wonderful people by visiting their blogs, I've learned alot and I've won some great things. There's been rubber stamps, a tiny fairy jar from Inka and now I won a great pair of earrings!

I never win anything so this has been a uplifting experience for me and I'm going to be offering my own blog giveaway really soon so keep an eye on my blog.

Now back to those earrings. Kolstrom Kreations writes . . .

This week we’ll be giving away a pair of dangle earrings. The gemstones are Garnet. Winner has the choice of leverbacks, earwires, or threaders. The 3 carat total weight stones are set in solid .925 fine sterling silver. Shipping will be free as well.

Enter here:

Now that I have the earrings and I can see that they are top quality and well made. I will be adding Kolstrom Kreations to my list of trusted sellers. They will make perfect gifts if I don't buy them all for myself.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Altered stArt Circle Mingle

My inspiration came from a package of hole reinforcements I spotted at the dollar store. I applied some ink DTP from three stamp pads and then randomly added the hole reinforcements. I then dry brushed the whole card with gesso and then removed the reinforcements to expose the colored circles.

Then I found the center piece of plastic from a roll of tape and dipped that in the gesso and stamped it onto the cardstock around the smaller circles. I loved the way it looked and as always I did not want to cover it up so it has a simple image and a small piece of puncanella. I rounded the corners and finished it off by edging it with more ink.

I may or may not add some text. So far anything I tried I did not like as it takes away from the background. I did just order some small ABC stamps the other day so I might be able to use them on this piece.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fun Foam Embellishments

I had some free time this afternoon and decided to try a technique from Sherrill Kahn's book Creative Embellishments For Paper, Jewelry, Fabric, and More. I used some black fun foam, my heat tool, stamps and some metallic paints. Things didn't turn out as good as expected but remember this was only my first attempt at something like this.

These pendants were not a success for me as I had a very hard time getting the foam to stick to itself before it melted into a bubbly mess. I did not attempt making beads since I was having trouble with this technique. So I moved on to some small square embellishments that I'm pretty pleased with. They will make a nice embellishment on something.

What did I learn from all of this?
I need a better assortment of stamps that are deep etched so that it will work with this technique. I actually raided my kids stamps for the small square ones. Good thing they weren't home.

I need a better assortment of paints. I own one color of Lumiere paint and one small bottle of copper acrylic. I'm sure my end results would have been better if I had more paint choices. Adding to my supplies list just keeps getting longer and longer. Who is nice enough to send me a gift certificate to Dick Blick or another one of the many online suppliers? Hey a girl can dream, can't she?

Will I use fun foam again? You bet I will, after all it was fun : )

Creative Embellishments is a wonderful book and I highly recommend it. I don't usually buy books since funds are limited and I would rather save it for supplies but this is one investment I don't regret. I'm very happy with the book and I know I will learn alot from it. I just love Sherrill Kahn's style!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Button Fairy Swap

Recently I hosted my very first swap, it was a learning experience for sure! But what an honor it was to receive all these wonderful button dolls from all the girls in the group. The hardest part was sending them back out. I was really tempted to keep them all and skip town : )

Here are my three for the Button Fairy Swap. They are alot of fun to make!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008

ATC Mingle: Numbers

Here is my entry for the bi-weekly mingle on Altered Start. The base is a regular playing card which was overlayed with dress pattern tissue. I added some inks and some embossing powder then added the two butterflies and the letter B which was also embossed on the edges.

I used my new Xyron 150 to adhere the butterflies. I picked it up on sale at for under $10 and let me tell you this was the best $10 I ever spent. This thing is great, I know I will need to look into getting a bigger one for larger projects. Quick, easy and no messy glue. There is a fair amount of waste but I know I'll find a way to make use of the extra as well.

I'm adding a Xyron to the "Must Have" list for sure!

You Make My Day Award!

Jill, at Elinors Closet, surprised me with the "You Make My Day Award!"

The rules for the "You Make My Day" award are to re-present it to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness, inspiration and make you feel happy about blog land. Let them know through e-mail or by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times, and if you do, consider yourself really, really loved. So to pass it on and keep the love going ~ here are 10 of the 100's of blogs that keep me inspired and bring a smile to my face. Please check them out when you have a few minutes...perhaps there are some new friends to be made!

Here are my 10:







Suzi Blu




Friday, March 7, 2008


I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.

-- Confucius (Chinese Philosopher) 551-479 B.C.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Arch ATC for The Artist Circle

Pained paper towel background, stamped with a background stamp and focal image.

This piece caused alot of frustration for me. I honestly like the way it looks as is but from what I've learned I felt I was supposed to add more stuff to it, embellish it. I spent hours looking for just the right thing to finish it off. I cut out words from magazines but felt the y took away from the simplicity of the piece. I finally gave up and posted it to the group which turned out to be a good thing as I now know this piece is fine just the way it is.

Thanks Sherre for taking the time to reassure me and encourage me - I needed that. And thanks to all the others in the group who took the time to give their input as well.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Big Crumbs

I've been a free member of Big Crumbs and I've earned over $100 so far. It's free and it is so easy, why not give it a try?

I get paid monthly!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Here is my bookmark as promised earlier. This was sent to a friend as part of a Valentine's exchange. I made the bookmark using the techniques I learned from the tag workshop on The Artist Circle.

I used a premade tag, then it was stained (aged) with coffee. It was then colored with ink that was applied DTP. Then I dry brushed it with gesso and finished it off by stamping and embossing the hearts.

I received from my Valentine a beautiful bracelet that is just perfect. A gentle reminder that will help me keep a positive outlook and to know that everything will work out in the end. I will cherish it always.

Happy Valentine's to all my friends and hugs to you all : )

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Me and My MS

I wanted to take the time to let you know about a new message board for those who suffer from MS. I have a dear friend I've known online for years who suffers from this disease. She's a wonderful person and has alot to offer the world.

Fingolimod and Me
Journal of an MS patient who becomes a clinical trial participant.

Me and My MS
A safe haven for those with Multiple Sclerosis to gain information, share knowledge, and make friends.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Back to Basics - ATC Workshop

This month we started an ATC Workshop on The Artist Circle yahoo group. Week 1 the assignment was to make 3 part ATC's consisting of only the background, focal image and one embellishment.

After all I've learned in my creative journey up until now had to be forgotten as I was going back to basics by focusing on the use of these 3 items. Turned out it was easier then expected. Yes I wanted to add more to them but at the same time I was able to stop at just these 3 elements.

Week 2 we get to finish them if we want and then we get to experiment with Folded ATC's. But shhhhhhh - don't tell anyone I never did finish the first project which was a Tag Booklet. Oh I plan to finish it just haven't yet. I've got all the steps done and my theme picked out now its just a matter of putting it all together. Why is is always so hard for me to finalize my projects? Maybe I'm afraid of the outcome or maybe that I'll mess them up on that last step?

I did make a bookmark for a friend using the techniques I learned from the Tag Book project so yes I am learning and using these techniques, just not actually taking that last step. I'll post a picture of my bookmark after Valentine's as I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise : )