Wednesday, August 27, 2008

After Fay

We went down to the beach Sunday night. The gulf was all churned up and very choppy, not the crystal clear water we are used to seeing. There was a good deal of seaweed from the storm on shore as well. But in the seaweed was lots of treasures to be found including sea sponges and sea urchins. There appeared to be some beach erosion as well and the really weird part was walking down the beach, it was very spongie (is that a word) because the storm had caused seaweed to wash up and then sand was washed up on top of it along with more seaweed. It looked like you were walking on the sand but there was seaweed under it - what a weird feeling for sure.

We were lucky to have dodged Fay and continue to keep an eye on Gustav which is expected to become a CAT 3 hurricane once it enters the gulf. The current track does not bring it to Florida but we all know how quickly things can change.

: )


3rdEyeMuse said...

those pictures are pretty awesome ... I am hoping to hit Stump Pass on Monday ... that is if Gustav lets me and Don gets home early enough. :)

Unknown said...

Love that pic Danielle- and I have blogtipped you!

Danielle said...

That top picture is my favorite also. It was when we were leaving the beach, I had to stop and take my camera back out, I even had to delete a pic as my camera was full.

Thanks for tipping me rebekah : )