Saturday, June 28, 2008

See what I've been working on?

I know my blog is lacking in art posts lately so I figured I better share with you what I have been doing. I'm working on a website, it is far from done but I have the main format set up for now and the header image done, well at least until I feel the need to redo it. Once I get this done I can advertise locally, print up some flyers and kick this into high gear.

So what do you think? I would love some input as its been awhile since I've worked on a website or done any design work, I'm a tad bit rusty.

I promise to post some art soon : )


3rdEyeMuse said...

just took a super quick look and I can tell you that I like your graphics and the page is user-friendly. I really need to visit more of the Mad Hatter party guests, so will take time to really explore the website soon.

ps - glad you like the cork fairys - easy and sooo fun to do. :)

Danielle said...

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and check out the new project. It's a work in progress!