Monday, August 30, 2010

Where does the time go?

Wow it seems it has been awhile since I've posted anything here.  I've been having fun knitting and felting but other then that the creativity just doesn't seem to be flowing.  Sure I have a bazillion ideas floating around in my head but that is all they are ... just ideas.

 Felted Knit Bowl

I took a step outside of my comfort zone and signed up for Peace Felt but I'm feeling a little intimidated seeing some of the items that have already been posted.  I fear my partner will be disappointed.

This past week I've also picked up the hook again to try and learn crochet. Using a children's book I was finally able to pick some of it up.  I'm confident I can chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet, increase and decrease.  But that's as far as the book went.  My purpose in learning this is to help a friend finish a sampler blanket she has been working on.  Shhhh it is a surprise, a few of us will be giving her our squares in a few weeks.  So I have some books on hold at the library and hopefully I can crochet a few different pieces to add to the blanket.

 My first attempt at single crochet.

Also this past week I've felt the urge to get back to doing something creative.  I follow Helga's Blog and decided that it was time I jump in on a challenge,  Inchies!  How hard can it be to make a 1x1 collage?  Harder then I thought I guess ... the start of my project still sits on the table, unfinished and today is the due date.

 Turquoise inchies in progress ...

I was going to include some pictures but blogger is not allowing them to upload "failed" is what I get.  Yup that about sums it up, ironic, huh?

Edited to add the pictures, I guess "never give up" is the lesson today!


3rdEyeMuse said...

three things ... 1) holy smokes! where have I been ... it's going to take me a while to catch up on posts ... look at all the goodness!!!

2) stick that performance anxiety in a ziplock baggie and toss it out with the waste ... your partner is going to be blown away by what you send ... I've seen your felted pieces ... I'm even able to hold a most precious one in my hands & KNOW you do incredible work!!

& 3) I'm dancing the happy dance for you ... stretch those wings & finish those inchies deadlines be danged!

xx's ~M~

Paula said...

I love your blog!

Have a nice time!