Felted Knit Bowl
I took a step outside of my comfort zone and signed up for Peace Felt but I'm feeling a little intimidated seeing some of the items that have already been posted. I fear my partner will be disappointed.
This past week I've also picked up the hook again to try and learn crochet. Using a children's book I was finally able to pick some of it up. I'm confident I can chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet, increase and decrease. But that's as far as the book went. My purpose in learning this is to help a friend finish a sampler blanket she has been working on. Shhhh it is a surprise, a few of us will be giving her our squares in a few weeks. So I have some books on hold at the library and hopefully I can crochet a few different pieces to add to the blanket.
My first attempt at single crochet.
Also this past week I've felt the urge to get back to doing something creative. I follow Helga's Blog and decided that it was time I jump in on a challenge, Inchies! How hard can it be to make a 1x1 collage? Harder then I thought I guess ... the start of my project still sits on the table, unfinished and today is the due date.
Turquoise inchies in progress ...
I was going to include some pictures but blogger is not allowing them to upload "failed" is what I get. Yup that about sums it up, ironic, huh?
Edited to add the pictures, I guess "never give up" is the lesson today!