Sunday, May 31, 2009

Birthday Goddess

I started out with wanting to make my mom a Birthday Goddess. The plan was to make a wire and bead goddess but we all know what happens when we plan things, don't we? It ended up in the trash, it just wasn't working - I think I need different wire. So back to the drawing board I went ...

I finally came up with the one pictured above - she is made from foamcore. I printed a pattern onto paper, traced it onto the foamcore and cut it out with a craft knife. Applied colored tissue paper and dry brushed Luminere paint to give it some sparkle. Then I layered on some homemade paper to resemble a skirt and tied some fibers around her waist. My mom has a big heart so I thought her goddess should have one too. This one was made from heated and stamped fun foam that was cut out and painted. Above her head she holds wire which I twisted and added some stones to. I went with a green theme to represent May's birthstone of Emerald.

Happy Birthday Mom!

Oh BTW the idea to use foamcore came from the March/April 2002 issue of Somerset Studio

1 comment:

3rdEyeMuse said...

you totally and completely rocked this design!! well done ... bet your mom was thrilled. :)